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ALOSEIL description

Pure Whole Leaf Aloe Vera
ALOSEIL : Made of 100% pure and natural concentrated WHOLE LEAF Aloe vera in liquid , more times powerful and superior than an Aloe Vera under dry process or that has only gel came from the leaf. Father Zago's used the whole leaf and not only the gel , to make his recipe against the cancer. You will feel the first benefical result after 5 to 15 days. Aloseil is a REGENERATOR and ANTIOXYDANT of all your cells . An autocleaning , cure and regenerate all your organs, muscles, glands etc . Regenerate 6 to 8 times your cellular division.Help to kill the bads cells and repair damaged cells. Bactericid, cell regenarator, natural antibiotic, fungus, anti-virus, immune system stimulant etc. Used since 25 years by the United-States doctors. Doctors testimonies, laboratories and patients on our website are true. Treatement cases : cataract, bursitis, tendinotis, cancer, diabete, herpes, gangrene, Crohn disease, diarhea, constipation, blocking arteries, radiation cholesterol, senelity, tourista, acnea, bronchitis. Ingredient : Aloe Vera Whole leaf 100% pure and concentrated Posology : 3 times in a day – 1 table spoon Prevention : 1 time a day – 1 table spoon