Find The Father Zago formula,helping to treat and prevent the cancer
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Nominated 2nd Prize at The Salon Intl Europe and The Corpo of the Praticiens in Medecines Douces.in Mtl 1997/98.
see at the Menu all Testimonies researches and articles.
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questions to alainandre@cgocable.ca Alain Andre and Michele Amiot Naturopath ND. Thank You and Welcome. Free Consultation
Rejuvinator, an arm against cancer, heart disorders, diabetes , arthritis etc ( over 100 diseases ). It will Regenerate your cellular division 6 to 8 times to live longer and healthier. See the section Articles for Medical and patients testimonies and ask for The FREE BOOK The Secret of Longevity.
Health Plan diet + description of 100 diseases.What you should eat or not and Evaluation form for patients and therapists. French/english ver.2 alainandre@cgocable.ca
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