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ALOVIE description
ALOVIRUS description
ALOSEIL description

Fountain of Jouvence
ALOVIE : A Combination of Aloseil + Aloart + Alobeil + Alovirus + Swedish Elixir + Alomag + psychological and physical herbs to Reinforce all the organism, organs, muscles , glands and the immune system. Use in prevention and treatment. Get more years to your life and Enjoy your life. We could stated that ALOVIE is a Alo Life or " A Fountain of Jouvence " A Immune stimulant which will help to decontaminate cells infected. Help people with virals infections and convalescent particulary people under chemiotherapy or radiation treatment. PLUS Psychological and physical herbs were added to Alovie to reinforce the thymus , the heart , the kidneys and the immunune system and glandular system. As testimonies of recovering people, those elements help them to raise their organs and glands life and than to accept their diseases and had a new behaviour and positive mind. We have reinforced the 3 last Organs, keeping you in life before you will died. ( Heart – kidneys – immune sytem ). This way , in prevention , you can get more years to your life . In addition , If you take Pollen and Alovirus , you can be another Dr Yearnest who has lived over 100 years old. Avoid many diseases, hospitalization cost and decrease others cost related to health services. Follow our Health plan program and check all bad aliments in this Free Book . Ingredients : Aloe Vera Whole leaf 100% pure and concentrated – Honey, non pasteurised, Natural Apple cider Vinegar and psychological and physical herbs to accept the disease and to reinforce cells particularly : Heart – Kidneys – Thymus – immunity system ( see above the description ) Posology : 3 times in a day – 1 table spoon Prevention : 1 time a day – 1 table spoon Posology is the same that others products Aloart Alobeil Aloseil and Alovie. If you feel that you need more, there are no problem. The organism will reject the extra portion and no side effects. POLLEN or Alopol with ALOSEIL   ( see News Products Page) for Diabetics problems