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ALOVIE description
ALOVIRUS description
ALOSEIL description

Alovirus, Help to avoid the flue. It is a pure 100% Natural extract of grapefruit seeds concentrated 1/1 without others agrums extracts. The Doctor who has discovered this extract has received a Nobel Prize award. It is more efficient that the Chlore , it has been by Doctora to clean teirs hands before a surgery. Also it could be used to clear the water to be potable and to clean vegetables from herbicids . An Arm against vaginitis, flue, fever, soar throat, bad water,virus, bacterias, gastro-enteritis,infection, cholesterolie, overweight, candida albican, crohn disease etc Read the secret of Longevity to find out more on Alovirus treatment and prevention In preveniton take 4 to 5 drops twice a day. In treatment 4 to 5 drops every 4 hours.