Alobeille Lab has created a new Formula called Alovie Rejuvinator, 100% Natural to recover your Health. Can be used in prevention and in treatment of over 100 diseases even during a medical treatment of chemiotherapy. No side effects. This formula will regenerate 6 to 8 times your cellular division.
Regain more years to your life. See the medical and patients testimonies. Grab your free Book The Secret of Longevity. Check the health diet plan and all description of diseases: Heart problems, cancer, alhzeimer, diabetes, arthritis cholesterolie, stress, overweight etc .
-"The cell Rejuvinator is fabulous."
-"I've got more power and energy"
-"I am feeling better everyday "
-"I'm sleeping well and I am positive and clear mind "
-"Thanks , for giving me, my life back."
Alovie rejuvinator is a 3 formulas in One replace Alobeil and Aloart .
Alovie ,could be used in prevention or during a chemiotherapy treatment.
Alovie will maintain your imuno system and help to avoid side effects of the chemiotherapy:usefull cancer, heart disease,diabetis , arthritis ,flue, kidneys problems , stress, burn-out, Lupus Alzheimer senelity etc.
Alovie contains Aloe Vera stabilized, pure concentrate whole leaf in liquid, 24 amino acids, vitamins A to Z , minerals,physical and psychological herbs, apple cider vinegar,pure honey non pasterurized, etc. We have reinforce ,all organs , the imuno system, thymus, heart , kidneys. A must to stay in Life . All ingredients are natural alimentary product.No side effects. And it s works perfect.
Alovie Rejuvinator:
Increase your immune system from 70 to 300%
react on 300 digestives fonctions
decrease of 75 % of second stroke
eliminate 90% of kydneys stones
reinforce your heart , kydneys, bones, ligaments, muscles, give you more power
Pshychologicals herbs includes to accept the disease.
This is a New Formula contains the ingredients of Father Zago formula who has treated many cases of cancer , Dr Yearnest who has lived over 100 years old and Swedish elexirs combined together with pure Aloe Vera whole leaf concentrated in liquid , coming from 2 specialists Dr Mc Annaly and Dr Reg Mac Daniel who have found a new method to extract the Aloe Vera who contains polysaccharides to fight against the cancer and the HIV plus others medical natural Herbs.
In less of 10 days, you will see the first result of this new revolutionnary formula, Alovie a must to be healthy and live longer then ever.
Dr Moss has worked over 20 years at the Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NY . In his book Cancer Therapy Dr Moss declare that chemiotherapy results didn't help to increase the life of his patients. Confirm by specialists: Dr John Bailar chief of epidemiology at Mc Gill university in Montreal. Ref : Health Naturally Mag. Feb/Mar 96.
Did you know that over 50 drugs are used in United-States for chimiotherapy treatment. They are tested during 28 days on tumors as soon as they reduce 50% of the tumors the drugs will be on the medical Market. In United -States the annual cost related to health is over 100 Billions and over 8.5 Billions are use for chimiotherapy.
STRYCHNINE is a mortal drug to kill rats. An experience has been done, only the rats who drank aloe have stay alive. Ref : La plante qui guerit of Ed Apophtegme
Dr Alexis Carrel gave only apple cider vinegar to a young chicken during all his life. The chicken lived over 30 years instead of 8 years.
Dr Yernest a Swedish doctor died at the age of 104 years old after a horse accidents. All his close family were using Aloe products and died at the age of 107, 112, and 130 years old. Ref : La plante qui guérit Ed Apopthtegme
Dr Conway has treated 54,000 cases of allergy with pollen called : The food of tomorrow.
On CANCER - cure (Alobeil replaced by Alovie)
Pere Zago has treated many cases of cancer where traditionnal medecine has failed. The Pere Zago's wishes is : " He wants that everybody knows that we can heal cancer. " Ref : Revue Terre Sainte Bethleem 1994.
VIH. (Alovie)
Dr Bill Mc Analley and Reg Mc Daniel declare that the carrysin and acemanam included in Aloe Vera can stop the process of VIH virus
AMPUTATION gangrene (Aloseil pure Aloe Vera liquid )
After 6 amputations on one of his leg, Dr Shelby of Dallas turn on to Aloe Vera products. In 48 hours it was a success. Aloe Vera works where antibiotics failed Ref : The silent Healer the Bill Coast of Texas U .S.A. Oct 75.
DIABETES - Gangrene (Aloseil + Pollen)
Mr. Malcomb Indread of Jonnesburg Rughyman is diabetic and have serious problems of blood circulation following a small accident and must have his foot amputated. Without the consent of his colleague, Dr Robert C. Collin suggest internal and external cure of Aloe Vera. In 3 weeks Mr Indread was healed and practicing his favorite sport.
Dr Om Prakash Agarwal at the Internationnal Congress of Angiology in San Antonio Texas made a study : 5,000 thousands patients took 100g. of Aloe Vera a day during 5 years. He wanted to demonstrate that it was possible to decrease heart attack of 85% by using Aloe Vera. Ref : L'Aloe, La plante qui guérit by Marc Schweizer Ed Apophtegme.
LUPUS(Aloseil+Aloart replaced by Alovie)
Rita Thompson 37 years old suffered of psoriasis in 1966, rheumatoid arthritis in 1975, cerebral anevrism, hypertension, erythematic lupus in 1980. Her body was completely devastated. In 1984, no medecine couldn't help her except Aloe Vera.Aloe Vera stabilized has restablished her health. Ref : Silent Healer, Bill Coats, Texas Oct 1975.
1st case : Eye's iris cancer, The patient was following a chimiotherapy treatment. But, the metastases were still there. The patient was almost blind and eventually will lost his eye's.After 3 weeks of Aloseil and Alovie, he recover his sight, his cataract and metastases dissappeared. Quebec
2nd case : during 3 years the patient was having operations. ( throat - lung - stomack ) After 3 weeks of Alovie the metastases disappeared.Quebec
3rd case : Zona look like chicken pox. A patient was suffering of zona and after 7 days of Alovie treatment the zona disappeared. Quebec
4th case : Rhumatoid arthritis. A patient was having knees problems since 15 years, after 2 days of Alovie treatment the patient could bend his knees and after one week he was able to play bowling.Donnacona
5th case : The patient's arteries were blocked up to 80%. After one week of Alovie treatment the arteries were released from 30%. The cholesterol pass from 7 to 4. Charlesbourg
6th case : A patient was suffering of chronic bronchitis. Now, his breathing is better with Alovie.Montreal
7th case : Athritis to the feet. It was difficult for the patient to stand up in the morning. The circulation, ligaments, calcareous depot and crystals was stopping the patient from walking in the morning. After one week of Alovie treatment the problem was gone. Cap-Sante
8th case : Since 7 to 8 years, This patient was having problem to his back. After 3 days of Alovie treatment the problem disappeared. Quebec
9th case : Swachman disease ( same as Crohn disease but worst ). The patient had to go to the hospital as soon as the intestinal infection appeared. Now he is taking Alovie, he doesn't have to go to the hospital any more.USA
10th case : Severe cases of gangrene. The patient was scared to continue his treatment of Aloe Vera and propolis. His leg was already amputated. After the operation the doctor call the therapist to say : " I don't understand, the tissus are regenerating. " Its saved the rest of his leg from another amputation. Italy
11th case : Diabet and black toe. After a treatment of Aloe Vera, propolis and royal jelly the patient saved his toe from amputation.USA
12th case : When the patient was working in the humid basement, he was suffering from cold hand and cold feet. After one week of Alovie treatment the problem disappeared. Quebec
13th case : Desintoxication of alcohol. In 2 hours Alobeille will bring back a normal level of alcohol in people's blood, instead of 8 hours.Levis
14th case : Calcareous depot in one shoulder. After 2 days of treatment with Alovie, the patient was moving his arm and was able to take his wallet from his rear pocket. After 3 weeks the problem disappeared.Sainte-Foy
15th case : Kidneys problems. Several years after an accident, every 2 weeks, the patient must see his chiropratician.Alovie help him. Cap Sante
16th case : Following an infection the patient was scratching himself to blood. He applied Alovie and the itching problem disappeared.Cap Sante
17th case : the patient had a stomac cancer and then an operation on her head. The metastases were still present. The doctor didn't want to use chimiotherapy, "it was too late" for a treatment. Feburary 10th 1997, she started taking Alovie, but she died few weeks later.
18th and 19th case : His parents are restablished from cancer with Alovie : Jean-Charles, Italy.
20th case : An 88 years old patient, didn't eat and did not talk anymore, he was nourished by intravenous. After a couple of days of Alovie , he feels better, talks and eats . Taiwan
21st case : intestin tumor, the radiography didn't even detect the tumor.Recover with Alovie. Québec
22nd case : kyste in the lowest part of the stomac,it disappeared with Aloseil Ste-Foy
23rd case : Crohn disease, no more problems with Alovie. Québec
24th case : Cancer metastases stopped in the back spine ( metastasis did not grow ), during 3 years. The patient took Alovie. His doctor could not beleive what s hapenned. But the patient stop to take Alovie and he died one year later, probably because he was old ( over 90 years old).Italy
25th case : prostate cancer, after 3 weeks 30% of regression with Alovie. Belgium
26th case : unable to eat green vegetables after 6 weeks of treatment with Aloseil, no more problems. Texas
27th - 28th - 29th case : hyperactive children taking Ritalin after 2 weeks of Alovie, they were restablished. Quebec
30th case : mononucleosis, symptom disappeared after 3 weeks (Alovie). We got to reinforce the immune system for the next 5 years, 2 months before the same period of the illness.
31st - 32nd case : Uterus cancer solved. Alovie - Quebec
33rd - 34th case : 2 cases of prostate cancer 1 reduced of 50% and the other one of 30% of the tumor after 3 weeks of treatment with Alovie.
35th case : Aloe shampoo was preventing lost of hair in chimiotherapy case. Alobeil formula is perfect in radiation case. Canada and USA
36th case : Psoriasis - 15 years without results Aloseil and Alovie; the psoriasis disappeared.Cap Sante
37th case : cataract disappeared with Aloseil.Cap Sante
38th case : Always catching a cold or a flue annually, disappeared with the Alovirus treatement and Alovie 2 months before the period.Execellent in prevention. Cap Sante
39th case : Insomnia solved with Alovie.
40th case : Bursitis disappeared after 7 days of treatment with Alovie ,no need of cortisone.Quebec
41st case : Acnea solved after 3 weeks of treatment with Alovirus.
42nd case : Haemorrhid solved after 3 weeks of treatment with Alovie. Cap Sante
43rd case : Vaginitis solved in 3 days of treatment with Alovirus.Cap Sante
44th case : Radiation, no burns and no second effects Alovie. Quebec
45th case : Crohn disease solved with Alovie. Quebec
46th case : Knee surgery avoided after 2 weeks of treatment with Alovie.Cap Sante
47th - 48th case : Chemiotherapy, immune system was reinforced, the patients stay in good shape during the treatment. Alovie. Quebec
49th - 50th case : Crohn disease solved Aloseil. Quebec
A hundred of medical reports of doctors , laboratories, professionals and patients , resolving over 40 illnesses with sucess in the PHD pharmacist Bill Coats's book " The Silent healer " Aloe Vera has been often superior or equal to the chemical products , with no side effects.
The first good effects, with Alovie , can be seen 2 days to 5 weeks after the beginning of the treatment.
Alobeille lab offers a triple times concentrated aloe vera stabilized.
Alovie, our new formula 3 in One, will regenerate 6 to 8 times your cells.Containning all 24 amino acids that our body need to survive.Plus vitamins and minerals. Do not forget to use in prevention , before, during and after any treatment that your Doctor recommend.There are no side effects at all. Only best effects.
In Our Free Health Book : discover The Secret of Longevity and The recipe of
Father Zago Theologist in Vatican.
In 1995, in the Journal of Bethleem in Terre Sainte , Father Zago stated that he had treated many cases of cancer with the Pharmacy of God :
2 leafs of ALOE VERA
2 ONCES of Vodka , Gin or Alcohol
8 onces of pure honey non pasteurised
Optional :add 2 onces of Natural Apple cider vinegar - it will work on your arthritis and arteries too and overweight.
You will get 100% of the 24 amino acids vitamins and minerals that your body need every day.
Take off the little spins with a knife and cut in piece the Aloe Vera.You need the whole leaf and not only the GEL.
Pour in a shaker all the ingredients.
You will get the formula !
Dynamise everyday your formula in shaking the container before utilization. Enjoy your new Life.
Two Specialist in USA , Dr McAnnaly and Dr Reg MacDaniel have found in the Aloe Vera , Whole Leaf stabilized in liquid and not in the Gel or powder, polysaccharides that works against cancer cells and can replace AZT for HIV . Should be used in tri-therapy. Can be use in prevention to increase 6 to 8 times the cellular division an live more longer,, healthy.
THE CELLS REGENERATORS OR ALOVIE REJUVINATOR Has been energized by crystal of quartz and prayers ( Jesus and Madona Marie ) and revealed that the ENERGY power was near of the BIBLE 1,700UB on the rule of Bovis.
The orignial formula ingredients contains:
Aloe Vera 100% pure whole leaf from Texas ( containing polysaccharides an
arm against cancer cells ref by Doctors McAnnaly and Reg McDaniel )
Pure Honey non pasteurised containing all vit B and complex B
Natural Apple cider Vinegar
Magnesium Chlorure
others physical herbs
and pshychological herbs Bach Flowers
I have done this formula to regenerate good cells and "killing bad cells" cancer from the polysaccharides.The cellular division will increase from 6 to 8 times.
REGAIN VITALITY : Heart, immune system , thymus, kidneys which are the last to die all organs ( lung , stomac ) artheries, ligaments, bones and glands are restored.
The Aloe Vera as a adaptogen element that consist to go every part of the
body where has a problem .The product contains all 24 amino acids , vit minerals and oligo elements A
must to survive and helping the cellular division to restore damages cells.Excellent to regain vitality and resolve problems and diseases. see the
testimonies.In prevention it will be a must to help to avoid disorders . I have done a portrait of the ratio of many disorders.
ENERGY EFFECTS OF THIS PRODUCT : Restoration on Body + Health Plan Program + therapist instructios
+ new attitudes ( psycho 50% of the diseases )
Should be used in prevention for all people.Ratio of good results.
Cancer : 70 to 100%
Heart : up to 70% on a second stroke
Diabetes : up to 60% + if a health plan is follow + POLLEN
Immune Sytem : 70 to 300%
Epilepsy : 50 to 70%
Fibromyalgia : 50 to 80%
Sclerosis 60 to 70%
Lupus up to 70%
Crohn Diseases 50 to 100%
Stones up to 95%
Hiv 50 to 90%
Cystite : 50 to 100%
Flue : 50 to 100%
Burn out 70 to 100%
Knees problems 50% to 100%
The product came from Natural sources , no side effects during a treatment of radiation of chemiotherapy. It decrease the effects of the chemiotherapy or radiation treatment . Read the book of Bill Coats , R.Ph.The Silent Healer A modern Study of Aloe Vera ( Medical and Clinical testimonies from USA specialists during last 20 years ) and Dr Aloes write by a journalist Robert
Dehin Ed. Quebecor. And Maria Treben 4 millions books Best Sellers Health
through God s Pharmacy in 10 languages .
You can get a copy of the Secret of Longevity to and see the testimonies-articles!Health Plan Program and more,, to live longer than ever.You will get the first benefits in less than 10 days.
A new lyfestyle will be installed ! More Joy and more Happiness !
Aloe Vera Research
The last several years have witnessed a boom in research on Aloe Vera and its applications for humans and animals. The following are just a couple:
Professor of Physiology (University of Texas) and chief of the Research Laboratory of North Texas, Ivan Danhof, showed (1984) that the application of Aloe gel to the skin accelerates firboblasts. Fibroblasts aid in the manufacture of collegen which is the protein that controls the aging process of the skin and wrinkling. (As one ages, collegen starts to disappear from the skin, causing slackening and wrinkling.) Aloe gel helps to protect the outer layers of the skin by helping it to reorganize skin cells. He further showed the moisturizing properties of Aloe by demonstrating that the skin absorbs moisture from Aloe gel three to four times faster than water.
One report ("Clinical Review" 1987) shows that a compound - acemannon - found in Aloe Vera seems to have some remarkable anti-viral properties. Even where HIV (the virus that often leads to AIDS) is concerned, Dr. Reg McDanial stated, "It appears that carrisyn [editor's note: Carrisyn is the commercial name of acemannon patented by Carrington Laboratories] neutralizes the [AIDS] virus by transforming it's protein envelope thus preventing it from attaching itself to the T4 cells."
Around the same time researchers in Canada isolated acemannon for their own studies. Since then, clinical trials on people living with AIDS ("PLWA") have shown that acemannon re-enforces the body's natural defense (immune) system of thus may stop the progression of HIV. Such studies have been corraborated by others, showing not only the nutrition value of ingesting Aloe Vera (in drink form), but also it's potential for providing significant benefits to boost the immune system. Of course, how the Aloe drink is processed is a determining factor in the degree of potential benefit.
Please keep in mind, there is no known method of curing AIDS - so PLWA should not view this as a cure, but rather as another option in possibly arresting or slowing down HIV. Aloe has not been scientifically proven to completely remove HIV from the body. Anybody who says that it - or anything else, has been shown to cure AIDS (cancer, etc.) is either misinformed or intentionally deceiving for their own purposes (usually financial). Aloe is; however, a bright hope in the battle of many illnesses - and certainly in strengthening the immune system.
Dr. Lee Cowden (Dallas, Texas) observed that several conditions benefit when treated by oral consumption of Aloe Vera. They include: irritable bowl syndrome, ulcerative colitis, esophagitis, peptic ulcer, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, mouth lesions, sore throat, and lupus.
Dr. Robert H. Davis (Physiologist at the University of Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine) conducted Aloe research since the early 1970's.
In laboratory tests on animals his findings included the results that Aloe can prevent and arrest arthritis, improve wound healing, inhibit pain, block inflammation, restore bone growth, and act as a vehicle for the delivery of nutrients to the body. Dr. Davis stated, "Aloe vera contains the greatest number of active substances of any plant I've looked at."
Aloe is also known to help unblock and keep clean the receptors inside the lining of the intestines - facilitating the absorption into the bloodstream of vitamins and other nutrients.
Dr. B. Frielander, (San Diego, CA) a Nutritionist, noted that patients with chronic colon problems including constipation, hemorrhoids, colitis and Crohn's disease, benefit from drinking aloe vera juice as a part of a nutritional program. He noted that even their complexions looked better!
Not all doctors will agree with the use of Aloe Vera (indeed, some don't accept it as of any benefit at all), its growing acceptance and increased use in the medical profession (or at least a nod in its direction) has given more optimism to those who seek non-toxic alternatives to drugs. And, where modern drugs may not be helping the individual, Aloe Vera and other options (chiropractic, herbs, meditation, etc.) are growing in popularity.
Certainly the use of Aloe Vera for so many centuries and so many scattered and varied cultures and locations of the world must give occasion to at least further look into its potential for the benefit of humankind.
But, as with all things, wisdom must be followed. Aloe Vera can be used externally (on the skin) and internally (drinks).
While Aloe is shown in studies to benefit in many ways, no reputable study nor scientist has claimed that Aloe will work the same for everybody - nor are results universally applied. And remember, only the body cures itself through the miraculous bio defenses. Modern medicines, herbs, Aloe, etc. only provide the body what it requires to effect a "cure", or at least to arrest disease at its current stage. The products should be used along with a balanced nutritional plan, coupled with exercise and lots of clean water. ( grab your Free Book )